Achebe Hope and Lee Evans, 2001 VIP Host
Elizabeth Boyd
Brigitte Laki and Bill Beardsmore
Brett Kirk
Chris Holmes
Eddie Valles
Jackie Derstein, Eddie Valles, Ken Thomas, Jovette Jolicoeur, Bill Beardsmore
Jackie Derstein
Julio Pearson
Leslie Hajdo
Steve Smith
Warming-up - Tracy Jones, Michelle Mohyla, Eddie Valles
Jason Moser 400m, 800m - Student from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jen Barton 1600m
Silver Medalists - The Jumpers - Larry Vollmer and Ken Thomas
Mike Sherman
Natara Holloway 100m, 200m
The Weight behind the Tigers -Scott Leonard, Jovette Jolicoeur, John DeVore
The all so party popular tiger's Tails
The legendary Tom Boone